Allowance Vs. Jobs: Fast Ways To Make Money For Kids

Fast Ways To Make Money For Kids

There’s just no getting away from the fact that almost everything in life costs money. It’s an intrinsic part of our society. Whatever your personal relationship with it is, the best way to help your kids is to teach them some basic money management (as well as time management)as early as possible.

If they know how to earn it, save it and invest it successfully, you’ll be giving them valuable tools for the future.

In this article, we’re not just going to look at fast ways to make money for kids but also at how money should be handled.

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Mindfulness Meditation For Children

Mindfulness Meditation For Children

In recent years, the benefits of meditation for people of all ages have become increasingly apparent. I’m always looking at ways to help my own kids, so I thought it would be good to see how mindfulness meditation for children can benefit them.

Let’s take a look at what “mindfulness meditation” means and how our kids can benefit from it. All from a dad’s “well-grounded” perspective 🙂 After all, it has to be fun, right!?

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Goal Setting Activities for Kids: 7 Simple Steps to Raising Self-Determined Kids

Goal Setting Activities for Kids - 6 Simple Steps to Raising Self-Determined Kids

Children who set goals from a young age learn to be self-driven and determined in life. If you could do something as simple as helping your child set and achieve goals and give them the skill set they need to grow into a well-rounded adult, wouldn’t you do it? Children are sponges and by teaching these life skills at a young age, it is more likely they’ll carry the good habits over into their future.

Here, we’ll talk about some of the advantages of teaching your son or daughter self-determination with goal setting. I’ll also give you some ideas about goal setting activities for kids, so you can set your son or daughter up for success. You’d be surprised how early they are ready to start learning!

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How to Teach Kids About Time: 7 Steps to Help Your Kids Read the Clock and Understand Time

How to Teach Kids about Time - 7 Steps to Help Your Kids Read the Clock and Understand Time

Understanding time is a fundamental milestone for children. It helps them understand the past, present and future. It also lets them develop a sense of routine, which is critical to creating harmony in your son’s or daughter’s life.

Are you ready to find out how to teach kids about time? Keep reading to learn what you can do, even from an early age, to help your child tell the time. There are also a few games included at the end of this article that can help make telling time more fun.

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What’re The Best Educational Toys for Toddlers? A Top 5 List of Toys for Dads and Their Kids that Combine Fun and Education

What're The Best Educational Toys for Toddlers

It’s no great secret that I’m as fond of toys, especially educational toys, as my three-year-old son Benni. But the best toys aren’t just educational, they’re FUN too. So I thought I’d compile a top 5 list of toys for Dads and their kids that combine fun and education.

Here I give you my answer to the question “What’re the best educational toys for toddlers?”, all are award-winning and available on Amazon.

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Teaching Technology to Kids: Raising Capable Kids in a Digital World

Teaching Technology To Kids - Raising Capable Kids In A Digital World

The age of technology has raised many questions for parents. How young should children have access to technology? What should they be using it for? And how closely should I be monitoring my child when they are using technology?

This article will answer those questions and more. Before we get started, keep in mind that teaching technology to kids does not always involve giving them access to the Internet. I understand that many parents are a bit scared of that. And even though I am very enthusiastic when it comes to tech, I certainly understand why that is. Bear in mind, though, that there are many other applications that can be used as learning tools. In today’s blog post, we will take a look at them and find out the best ways of teaching technology to kids.

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Cheap Educational Toys: A Buyers Guide for the Savvy Dad

Cheap Educational Toys A Buyers Guide For The Savvy Dad

Parenthood is expensive, there’s no denying it. Young kids grow so fast that continually having to buy new clothes, shoes and toys suitable for their age can cause a strain on your pocket. So here I’ve found some great but cheap educational toys and games that will not only keep your little ones entertained and teach them valuable lessons, but won’t put too much strain on your wallet either. This is a buyer’s guide for the savvy dad!

As parents, we know how fast our kids grow up. And how quickly they develop new skills. Good educational toys should reflect that and challenge our kids’ new potentials. Toddlers, preschoolers and first-graders have totally different requirements when we’re talking about educational toys, hence I decided to divide this post into three sections and provide my top three recommendations of cheap educational toys for

Let’s get started 🙂

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Top 5 Learning Games for Children: The Best Games to Explain Your Kids the World ​

Learning Games For Children

Learning about the world we live in is important to any kid’s education. I found these top 5 learning games for children that help to explain the world to your kids.

These games are targeted at older kids than I usually talk about, typically 8 years old and up. But there’s no harm in introducing some of the concepts found in them at an earlier age, depending on your child’s curiosity about the world. Rules in these games are typically quite simple. And let’s be honest: Rules are there to be bent 🙂 Why not adjust the rules a bit here and there so that you can enjoy these games even with much younger kids. Benni and I would usually leave out a few rules and just PLAY for the sake of it! Having fun together is all that matters. The education part happens naturally!

I’ve ranked the games on educational merit, fun factor and price range. We will start with my favorite.

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Best Musical Toys for Toddlers And Their Dads

Best Musical Toys for Toddlers And Their Dads

Numerous studies have shown a positive relationship between music and brain development in children. So, if you had a chance to positively impact your child’s development while enjoying music and spending time with them, wouldn’t you do it?

For Benni and me, music has always been a great way to have fun together! Hence, I would like to share with you my experience on the topic and give you a top 5 list of the best musical toys for toddlers and their parents.

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