Allowance Vs. Jobs: Fast Ways To Make Money For Kids

Fast Ways To Make Money For Kids

There’s just no getting away from the fact that almost everything in life costs money. It’s an intrinsic part of our society. Whatever your personal relationship with it is, the best way to help your kids is to teach them some basic money management (as well as time management)as early as possible.

If they know how to earn it, save it and invest it successfully, you’ll be giving them valuable tools for the future.

In this article, we’re not just going to look at fast ways to make money for kids but also at how money should be handled.

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Why Positive Parenting Is Important: Living a Happy Family Life

Why Positive Parenting Is Important

During the current global pandemic, I’ve heard many parents complain about how they are always shouting because they feel like they have no control over their kids.

I was lucky enough to already know about positive parenting, and believe me, it’s a skill that changed my life! So, I thought it would be good If I told you the reasons why positive parenting is important. In truth, I believe it’s an essential ingredient to achieve a happy family and raise respectful, confident children.

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The Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games On Children: Do Video Games Affect Children?

The answer to the question, do video games affect children, can be answered with a resounding YES! But despite what the media might have you believe, not all the effects are negative.

As video gaming continues its popularity, the question of how positively or negatively video games affect children is hotly debated.

From the scientific research conducted on video gameplay, it seems there are various factors that determine this. Here, we’re going to delve into some of that research and look at the positive and negative effects of video games on children.

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Raising Healthy, Self-Confident And Responsible Kids: A Top 10 Guide To Parenting Young Children

Raising Healthy, Self-Confident And Responsible Kids - A Top 10 Guide To Parenting Young Children

Raising your children right is a big responsibility. If you’re just a littlebit like me, I bet you’ve thought more than once: “If only kids came with a guidebook!” – I certainly have!

Raising your child to be happy, healthy, self-confident and responsible depends on a number of influencing factors. These factors include exposing them to a life that makes them want to be those things, providing continued support and guidance and letting them make mistakes. And being a role model!

In this article I have compiled a list of 10 surprisingly simple steps that will help you level up your parenting within just one week or less. In fact, when a friend of mine just recently actively incorporated these into his parenting, he could see a big improvement in his relationship with his kids in just 3 days! Sounds too good to be true? Let’s see…

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Time Timer Plus Reviewed: A Great Countdown Timer for Kids

Time Timer Plus Reviewed - A Great Countdown Timer for Kids

With our son turning 3 years old next month, my wife and I recently decided to brainstorm some ideas on how we could teach Benni to become more independent and self-determined. One of the most important things we came up with was the idea of teaching our son to understand the “concept” of time and the idea of setting time limits. And to respect them once agreed on.

The “tool”, if you will, that we decided to purchase in order to achieve that goal is the Time Timer Plus. It is a visual countdown timer (more on this later) and a great countdown timer for kids. Bottom line: It works very well for us. Let’s dig a bit deeper in this review and see if the Time Timer Plus is right for you and your kids as well, shall we?

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How To Teach Kids Not To Lie: Why Being Honest Matters

How To Teach Kids Not To Lie

Today’s blog post is about how to teach kids not to lie. Being honest with my son is very important to me, and in return, I expect him not to lie to me as well.

A few days ago I talked to friends of ours about long distance traveling with kids. One thing we discussed was the idea of the “Cabin Police”. I explain the concept in detail in my guide on how to travel with toddlers (which you can find here), so I don’t want to dig too deep here. Long story short: The “Cabin Police” is basically a “little white lie” that our friends told their kids on their recent long-haul flight to keep them quiet, and they were quite successful with it!

Good for them! But then again, this discussion got me thinking and I asked myself: How far would I want to go myself when it comes down to honesty with my kids? Are little white lies okay, or not? And if they are, what does this mean for me and for what I can expect from my kids in terms of being honest?

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