FollowMe Tandem Review: Level Up Your Family Bike Tours

FollowMe Tandem Review

At the time of writing this article, the sun is shining outside. The winter is almost over and it is already getting warmer outdoors. I am really looking forward to preparing our bikes for the first days of spring and get everything ready for our first family bike tour of 2021. And I appreciate that you made it here to check out my FollowMe Tandem Review! Let’s see if we can get your questions answered, shall we? Continue reading →

The Best Bean Bag Chairs for Children: Why Bean Bag Chairs are Such a Great Choice

Why Bean Bag Chairs are Such a Great Choice


Kids just love bean bag chairs! I would have to confess that they take me back to my childhood, I sure did love my bean bag chair. They’re the perfect comfy place to relax for kids of any age. In this article, we’re going to be looking at the best bean bag chairs for children and why bean bag chairs are such a great choice, perfect for any home.

I’ll also give you my top three picks that are available on Continue reading →

Rollei Sportsline 64 Review: Is THIS the Best Camera for Kids?

Rollei Sportsline 64 - The Best Camera for Kids

Ever since my wife and I planned our first trip to the United States together with our 3-year-old son Benni, I had this idea in my mind to give my son a digital camera and ask him to take photos of the world, of us, of the sightseeing that we do, the roads we travel etc.

The idea was to encourage him to do what I do with my own DSLR as well: Take pictures of the world the way I see it! Wouldn’t it be great for us and for him to have a collection of pictures that he took himself? Something he could be proud of. And for me, I thought, it would be super interesting to see what attracts his attention, what he aims at with his camera and what he thinks is worth taking pictures of?

I did some research on Amazon and other blogs, but couldn’t really find a “good” camera for my son. They were either too expensive, not robust enough or simply totally overloaded (we’ll get into that later). But finally, my search is over: I think I found the perfect camera for kids! And the award goes to the Rollei Sportsline 64! Keep reading to learn why…

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Table and Chair Sets for Kids – The Best Seat in the House for Kids Activities

Table and Chair Sets for Kids - The Best Seat in the House for Kids Activities

Today I’m going to be looking at table and chair sets for kids. Kids just seem to love anything that makes them feel grown up and that’s why scaled down household items like a table and chairs made especially for children is such a great item for your home. The reason for this may be because kids naturally enjoy learning by copying adult behavior, this is why toys like workshops, kitchens and playhouses are always so popular. Continue reading →

Baby Monitors with a Camera: What Are the Top Rated Baby Monitors?

Baby Monitors with a Camera - What are the Top Rated Baby Monitors

In this article, we are going to look at baby monitors with a camera and see which baby monitors on Amazon are the top rated.

Every parent wants to keep their precious new baby safe, it’s a Dad’s job after all to protect his family. One way to do this is by investing in a good quality, top-rated baby monitor with a video camera function.

Sure, you can get a very basic monitor for just a few bucks, but they won’t have a video display or many of the other features that provide extra benefits and peace of mind. Being able to see your baby as well as hear them, lets you see at a glance if all is well. I certainly wouldn’t have been without a baby monitor when my son Benni was a baby.

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What’re The Best Educational Toys for Toddlers? A Top 5 List of Toys for Dads and Their Kids that Combine Fun and Education

What're The Best Educational Toys for Toddlers

It’s no great secret that I’m as fond of toys, especially educational toys, as my three-year-old son Benni. But the best toys aren’t just educational, they’re FUN too. So I thought I’d compile a top 5 list of toys for Dads and their kids that combine fun and education.

Here I give you my answer to the question “What’re the best educational toys for toddlers?”, all are award-winning and available on Amazon.

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Time Timer Plus Reviewed: A Great Countdown Timer for Kids

Time Timer Plus Reviewed - A Great Countdown Timer for Kids

With our son turning 3 years old next month, my wife and I recently decided to brainstorm some ideas on how we could teach Benni to become more independent and self-determined. One of the most important things we came up with was the idea of teaching our son to understand the “concept” of time and the idea of setting time limits. And to respect them once agreed on.

The “tool”, if you will, that we decided to purchase in order to achieve that goal is the Time Timer Plus. It is a visual countdown timer (more on this later) and a great countdown timer for kids. Bottom line: It works very well for us. Let’s dig a bit deeper in this review and see if the Time Timer Plus is right for you and your kids as well, shall we?

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Archery Sets for Children: A Great Way to Teach Valuable Life Skills and Bond with Your Son or Daughter

Archery Sets For Children

Archery is many things—it is a useful outdoor sport, a way to build self-esteem and a great way to bond. Ultimately, it also teaches your kids valuable skills to provide themselves with food and protection in a survival situation. It certainly is one of the most well-rounded skills you can teach kids because of its numerous benefits.

Dads don’t always get the credit for these special bonding moments with their children. But teaching your children archery is like teaching them fishing—it’ll leave them with memories they will never forget! (Of course, the same advice applies to moms as well). Here you’ll find useful information on the many benefits of archery, as well as archery sets for children that are perfect for teaching your son or daughter to aim.

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Cheap Educational Toys: A Buyers Guide for the Savvy Dad

Cheap Educational Toys A Buyers Guide For The Savvy Dad

Parenthood is expensive, there’s no denying it. Young kids grow so fast that continually having to buy new clothes, shoes and toys suitable for their age can cause a strain on your pocket. So here I’ve found some great but cheap educational toys and games that will not only keep your little ones entertained and teach them valuable lessons, but won’t put too much strain on your wallet either. This is a buyer’s guide for the savvy dad!

As parents, we know how fast our kids grow up. And how quickly they develop new skills. Good educational toys should reflect that and challenge our kids’ new potentials. Toddlers, preschoolers and first-graders have totally different requirements when we’re talking about educational toys, hence I decided to divide this post into three sections and provide my top three recommendations of cheap educational toys for

Let’s get started 🙂

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Positive Parenting Solutions Review: Is It Worth Your Money? A Dad’s Perspective

A Dad's Review Of Positive Parenting Solutions

Did you ever think about hiring a personal trainer? Maybe take lessons to learn how to play golf or how to play the guitar? I certainly did, and I know many people do so! Many of us feel like we need an expert to teach them those complex skills, right?

When I became a Dad back in July 2015 I started to wonder: We hire all these coaches and experts who we pay to teach us all these different skills, but then we somehow take it for granted that we are born as “good parents”. That we don’t need any training on that matter? Even though it’s probably the biggest (yet most rewarding) challenge in our lives!? I certainly felt that way. But deep down I also felt that I could do better…

Today, I want to invite you to join me on my Review of Positive Parenting Solutions, which is an online course that promises to fill that gap. By teaching you “How to Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling”. Let’s take a look at it together and answer the following questions:

  • How does the course keep up with that promise?
  • Is the course good and is right for YOU?
  • And finally: Is it worth your hard-earned money?

Pro-Tip for the busy parent: If you are less of a reader, make sure to AT LEAST check out my “Video Review And Digital Unboxing Of Positive Parenting Solutions” below to get an idea what the course is about and if it is right for YOU.

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