Fun Things to Do with YOUR Dad: 5 Ideas for Great Father Son Activities

Fun Things to Do with Your Dad - Ideas for Great Father Son Activities

Being a Dad is such great fun! I sure do have a fantastic time reliving some of my own childhood memories, when I do fun stuff with my son Benni. I’ll bet you rekindle your fondest memories when you do fun activities with your children too.

But have you ever thought about how your own Dad used to enjoy spending time with you when you were small? A great way to renew those old bonds, and have some fun along the way, is to revive this partnership. This is achievable by doing new activities together, or some of those you enjoyed doing as a kid, fishing for example.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at lots more fun things to do with your Dad that will give you some ideas for great father-son activities.  Continue reading →

Dad’s Kitchen: Easy Cooking with Kids – 4 Dad-Friendly Recipes You And Your Kids Will Love

Dads Kitchen Easy Cooking with Kids

Kids love playing mini chefs. So, I thought I’d give you some recipes for easy cooking with kids. Creating exciting meals in the kitchen with your children is excellent fun, and perfect for giving them future life skills.

But then again: If you’re a stay at home dad like myself you probably want to get in and out of the kitchen as quickly as possible without leaving behind a whole lot of mess behind; while still creating a tasty, healthy dinner for the kids.

The recipe’s I’ve selected are suitable for children of all ages and abilities. For younger kids, you’ll need to help with putting things into and out of the oven, frying, and chopping. It’s the perfect way to teach your children about kitchen safety; you don’t want any cuts or burns! Oh and don’t forget about the washing of hands before they start.

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4 Simple Steps To Make Working From Home Stress-Free

4 Simple Steps To Make Working From Home Stress-Free

There are plenty of benefits to working from home, especially if you’re a parent. In most jobs where you’re the boss, you’ll be able to set your own schedule, which means you can build your work around the needs of your children.

How many parents would benefit from that! However, while these positions are often desired by those people who work in an office, not every aspect of working from home is stress-free.

Actually, some experts believe that working from home can be more stressful than a traditional office job. Below, we take a look at 4 incredibly useful tips for making sure it’s worth the hassle.

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Raising Healthy, Self-Confident And Responsible Kids: A Top 10 Guide To Parenting Young Children

Raising Healthy, Self-Confident And Responsible Kids - A Top 10 Guide To Parenting Young Children

Raising your children right is a big responsibility. If you’re just a littlebit like me, I bet you’ve thought more than once: “If only kids came with a guidebook!” – I certainly have!

Raising your child to be happy, healthy, self-confident and responsible depends on a number of influencing factors. These factors include exposing them to a life that makes them want to be those things, providing continued support and guidance and letting them make mistakes. And being a role model!

In this article I have compiled a list of 10 surprisingly simple steps that will help you level up your parenting within just one week or less. In fact, when a friend of mine just recently actively incorporated these into his parenting, he could see a big improvement in his relationship with his kids in just 3 days! Sounds too good to be true? Let’s see…

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You’re Forever Young, Not a Boring Dad: A 5-Step-Guide to Being an Exciting Dad

You are Forever Young Not a Boring Dad

People generally seem to go through the same motions. They’re young; they’re fun, they’re free. Then they get some responsibilities, and they swear that they won’t become like all the other boring folks out there.

And then before they know it, they have kind of slipped into that “no fun” mode of being. But there’s good news: boring-itis isn’t a permanent condition. You can take steps to make yourself fun again! We take a look at some of these methods people. Your kids will appreciate it… and so will you!

So in today’s blog post, we’ll answer the age-old question of “How not to be a boring as a dad?” – Let’s dive right into it…

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Teaching Technology to Kids: Raising Capable Kids in a Digital World

Teaching Technology To Kids - Raising Capable Kids In A Digital World

The age of technology has raised many questions for parents. How young should children have access to technology? What should they be using it for? And how closely should I be monitoring my child when they are using technology?

This article will answer those questions and more. Before we get started, keep in mind that teaching technology to kids does not always involve giving them access to the Internet. I understand that many parents are a bit scared of that. And even though I am very enthusiastic when it comes to tech, I certainly understand why that is. Bear in mind, though, that there are many other applications that can be used as learning tools. In today’s blog post, we will take a look at them and find out the best ways of teaching technology to kids.

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How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep: A Survival Guide for Dads

How To Get Your Toddler To Sleep

As a Dad, it’s easy to feel a little left out when it comes to the parenting of young children. One of the most challenging situations, I had to realize for myself, was to figure out how to get your toddler to sleep in the evening. Without spending HOURS at his bedside.

Many families are still running a somewhat “classic” family model: While Mom stays at home and takes care of the kids (which is a great job! Moms, you’re awesome!!!) or works part-time, Dad goes to the office working his 9 to 5 job. That means that we as Dad often are challenged by situations our partners handle with ease. I get that! I’ve been there many times!

Luckily, many things have changed since the 60s, 70s, and 80s: More and more Dads WANT to be more involved in parenting! That’s great! And often challenging 🙂

Hi! I am Chris, and in the first two years after my son Benni was born, I was a Stay At Home Dad. I faced all those challenges. While it wasn’t always easy, I think I have developed quite a few techniques to stay on top and survive as a Stay At Home Dad.

In this blog post, I want to share with you a few of the strategies that worked quite well for ME when I try to get Benni to sleep…

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Positive Parenting Solutions Review: Is It Worth Your Money? A Dad’s Perspective

A Dad's Review Of Positive Parenting Solutions

Did you ever think about hiring a personal trainer? Maybe take lessons to learn how to play golf or how to play the guitar? I certainly did, and I know many people do so! Many of us feel like we need an expert to teach them those complex skills, right?

When I became a Dad back in July 2015 I started to wonder: We hire all these coaches and experts who we pay to teach us all these different skills, but then we somehow take it for granted that we are born as “good parents”. That we don’t need any training on that matter? Even though it’s probably the biggest (yet most rewarding) challenge in our lives!? I certainly felt that way. But deep down I also felt that I could do better…

Today, I want to invite you to join me on my Review of Positive Parenting Solutions, which is an online course that promises to fill that gap. By teaching you “How to Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling”. Let’s take a look at it together and answer the following questions:

  • How does the course keep up with that promise?
  • Is the course good and is right for YOU?
  • And finally: Is it worth your hard-earned money?

Pro-Tip for the busy parent: If you are less of a reader, make sure to AT LEAST check out my “Video Review And Digital Unboxing Of Positive Parenting Solutions” below to get an idea what the course is about and if it is right for YOU.

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Survival Of The Dad – How To Be a Stay At Home Dad (And Not Go Crazy)

How to be a Stay At Home Dad

I have been a Stay At Home Dad (well, at least for the most part) ever since our son Benjamin was born back in July 2015. Today, almost three years in, I love every bit of it. However, that has not always been that way. Being a Stay At Home Dad can be intimidating and stressful, especially when you are just starting: So much stuff to manage, so much stuff to do, and no course in the world can prepare you for it! But, and that’s a HUUUGE “but”, at the end of the day it is downright the most rewarding “job” I’ve ever had.

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How To Spend Quality Time With Your Child – A Top 5 List Of Fun Activities

How To Spend Quality Time With Your Child

You may or may not be aware of the fact that in our family, I am the one who picks up our 3-year old son Benni from kindergarten at least four times a week. When I do that the challenge is always the same: How to make the best out of the time we are spending together on that particular afternoon? How to spend quality time with your child without just “doing something for the sake of it” and counting down the hours until mom comes home from the office?

That may sound a bit harsh. But if you are a busy parent who, besides working and being a mom or dad for the most part, also has interests and hobbies and basically a life of his own, you will most likely agree that keeping your kids entertained while having a good time yourself can be a real challenge.

Which brings me to the point that there is a huge difference between spending time together and spending QUALITY time. It is easy to just being with your kid and deliberately making an effort to make the best out of it you can! While the first is something we all can do “somehow”, the latter can be a real challenge. My goal is to be there for my son as much as possible when he is around; and that can become quite stressful, especially when you happen to run out of ideas.

Hence, in this blog post I want to look at the top 5 activities that I enjoy the most when it comes down to spending quality time with my son. I want to look at five top-level activities that you can leverage to enjoy time together with your kids. Activities, that you can enjoy together as a “team”. So let’s get started…

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