Awesome Activities

I love doing stuff with my son. Whether we go to IKEA (not even mainly to buy stuff, but rather to play on their indoor playground), to the swimming pool, theme parks or do the “normal family stuff”, like going into the woods. Or we go out and watch our local basketball team play!

Also, I excercise with my son: I love riding my bike, and my son conveniently sits in his bike trailer. I even did “Kangatraining” with him – and met a lot of cool moms there 🙂

There is so much stuff you can do with your kids, and I want to share with you my favourite activities that I love doind with my son.

Father Son ActivityHow I Choose What to Do With My Son

I have one rule when I decide what to do with Benjamin: It is important, that we BOTH enjoy the time that we spend together. I strongly believe that there is NO reason to do lame stuff with your kids that YOU as a mom or dad won’t enjoy as much as your kids do!

That’s as easy as it gets, and I want to share with you our favorite activities. Let me know what you think!

Have Something to Add?

I bet YOU do cool stuff with YOUR kids as well. Things I did not even think of, yet. Please share your favourite activities with me in the comments, or email me at – I’m always eager to learn! Looking forward to your ideas!!!





  1. Chris, I so love your site! Love the header and the teddy bear. You just want to reach out with a hug. Thanks for such awesome information. So perfect for anyone with young children!

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