Hi Dads!
Well, I assume that, if you’re reading THIS particular blog post, you’re most likely a Dad. This article is all about race cars, fuel, ultra wide tires, oil and dirt. It’s about action-packed wheel to wheel racing. You know!? Dad stuff! Racing for the big boys… and their kids 🙂
In this blog post, I want to discuss why I love slot car racing, especially as a father-son-activity. I want to talk about why racing-action is great and how you can enjoy it safely TOGETHER, even if your kid is just two years old. And I will explain to you why I believe that a set from the Carrera Digital 132 series is the ultimate slot car sets for kids and their dads.
Side Note: If you’re a Mom, please know that you are, obviously, WELCOME as well. My intro was meant as a little, funny teaser! But obviously, slot car racing is something that moms and their kids (be it a son or a daughter) can enjoy just as well as dads can. My wife is the best example: She loves racing with Benni. Whenever possible, we try to make this a family activity and race with three cars at the same time. Yes, that’s possible and I’ll elaborate on this later! So please keep reading…
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