3 Easy Ways to Help Your Child to Relax at Bedtime

3 Easy Ways to Help Your Child to Relax at Bedtime

Bedtime can be a constant war for us parents, right?

You may find that no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get your kids to settle down and you may even find that they have more energy at night when compared to any other time in the day.

This is completely normal and you are certainly not alone, but if you want to put an end to bedtime wars then here are a few tips to get you started.

Tip #1 – Always Make Bath Time Count

Everyone loves a relaxing soak, but a lot of parents seem to want to get through bath time as quickly as possible. They see it as a chance to get clean and nothing more, but you can actually use this time to your advantage.

Try and choose some bubble bath that is super high in quality and also try and make sure that you are using essential oils as well. You can include lavender, chamomile and even cedarwood to relax them.

You may also want to try and encourage them to lie back in the water. This will help them to unwind and even though it may make bath time take a bit longer, it will work wonders when the time does come for you to put them to bed.

And if they still need to blow of some steam, make sure to have some toys ready and spend some quality time together. Later this evening this will certainly pay off!

Tip #2 – Stories

All kids love stories. It doesn’t matter how old your kids are because it can really help them to unwind at the end of the day.

You don’t need to read to them for very long either. Ten minutes is all it takes to help them to get in that relaxed frame of mind and this is ideal if you want them to get to sleep before you have to get up in the morning.

Stories help your kids getting tired
Reading stories (ideally together!) helps your kid to get tired and fall asleep sooner!

Of course, when you are reading your child a story try and make sure that you use a nice and lowered voice. You also have to try and build the story as well, as this will help their imagination to work and this is one of the best ways for you to get them to sleep.

Even though reading to your kid in person is the best thing you can do, sometimes you just have to do other things. In situations like that you may want to consider having some good audiobooks at hand.

Tip #3 – Music

Music is a fantastic way for you to get your kid to sleep but remember that when the time does come for you to put some music on, you have to choose tracks that are slow and relaxing.

Sure, you may like pop music or even rock tracks but this isn’t going to help your child at all. Depending on how old they are, you may even want to consider playing them some lullabies. This is ideal when you pair it with relaxing videos and it is also great if you want to help stimulate their mind as they go to sleep.

After all, some kids can’t sleep without the TV being on and this is because it provides some level of mental stimulation and it also helps them to stop worrying about other things. I’ve heard parents do this and having great success with it. I guess there is nothing wrong with doing this either (though personally, I do not prefer it), but you do have to make sure that you put the TV on a timer so it doesn’t wake them up halfway through the night.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out this article. We really hoped you enjoyed it and we could provide you with some advice to work with. If you are looking for even more “dad-proof” tips and tricks to get your kids to bed, make sure to check out Chris’ “Survival Guide for Dads” about “How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep“.

And now you: What is your favourite bedtime routine? What works best for you and your kids? How do you help them to get tired and fall asleep? And what do you do afterwards? How do you spend those precious hour in the evening? 🙂 And most importantly: Did I miss something? If you have anything to add to this story, please let us know in the comments below!


Josh – Contributing Author

P.S.: Did you ever ask yourself how to put an end to all those exhausting power struggles that can stand between our kids and us as moms or dads? If so, then make sure to read my FULL REVIEW of “Positive Parenting Solutions” HERE. You won’t regret it! I promise!!!

How to get your kids to listen without nagging, reminding or yelling

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